1) Modern Inconvenience Manwha: Noblesse Characters: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Frankenstein, M-21, Han Shinwoo, Woo Ik-Han, Suh
Yoo-na Description: No one wondered... Rating: K
2) Blowdrier Characters: Cadis Etrama di Raizel, Takeo Description: "... it's for drying your hair, after a shower..."
Rai stalks the noise in the bathroom. Warning: Crack, vague shonen ai hinting (if you squint), spoilers Dedication:
Paralelsky, because it's for our challenge Prompt: Blowdrier Rating: K+ ('cause Takeo's naked and you
know you pictured it)
Characters: Cadis Etrama di RaizelxTakeo (implied), Frankenstein, ShinwooxYuu-na (implied one-sided), M-21, Tao,
Ik-han, Suh-yi
Description: The group goes to the fair... courtesy of Frankenstein's paycheck, of course.
Warning: Implied shonen ai, humor, crack, vague ooc
Rating: T
Prompt: Rai + French Fries + Mayo
Dedication: Paralelsky, for her never-ending supply of prompts. ^^ She is the reason I started writing
for this fandom. Love ya, babe.